

Jul 29, 2023

PV Cycle recommends excluding PV panels from WEEE directive

This is akin to reinventing the wheel, while creating huge legal jeopardy. The WEEE framework can be improved but is a sound legal foundation, with a large jurisprudence.

The WEEE already provide specific targets by waste categories. And there are a significant numbers of EEE with similar lifetime as PV, such as air conditionning units, or heaters.

The PV waste target collection of 85% of WEEE generated could be discussed, but not a single waste stream is regulated without a collection targets. Who seriously believes that a "no collection target" is acceptable by the citizens who bear the burden of the energetical transition or by the Producers who are paying for collection and treatment?

We should focus on how to do better for PV, not less. The real issues are about the recovery of critical raw materials and the development of second life to extend product lifetime further.