

Jan 01, 2024

125,000 gallons of sewage spills into Killeen creek


The City of Killeen has contained a sewage leak into Reece Creek caused by the rupture of sewer pipe at the Wastewater Treatment Facility in Killeen, according to a city news release on Monday.

"Crews responded at 5:30 p.m. on June 4 and conducted a thorough inspection in the area southeast of Texas A&M Central Texas, which is adjacent to Reece Creek where the sewage was entering," the release said.

According to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, around 125,000 gallons were spilled during the leak.

According to the release, city staff has worked continuously since the discovery and are working closely with environmental agencies and additional contractors to resolve the leak.

"This spill is contained, however, crews will be sampling the site until all test results return in the clear," the release said.

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