

Jan 08, 2024

$4.1 Million Sewer Project Tops Wheeling City Council Agenda Flush With Items

Jun 6, 2023

Photo by Alec BerryThe seal of the city of Wheeling overlooks empty chairs in council chambers at the City-County Building.

WHEELING — A contract for a sewer replacement project topping $4 million is among the items on a packed agenda scheduled to be brought before Wheeling City Council tonight.

A total of 35 new pieces of legislation and five items of unfinished business are on tap for council's attention during its first regular meeting of the month, which is scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m. today in council chambers.

The big-ticket item on the agenda is a new ordinance authorizing Wheeling City Manager Robert Herron to expend funds in the amount of $4,150,786 with Virco Contracting Inc. of Charleston, W.Va., for sewer replacement on GC&P Road. Funds for the project are from the city's Water Pollution Control bond fund.

Virco Contracting's bid was deemed the lowest and best among several bids received for the project. By comparison, Ohio-West Virginia Excavating submitted a bid of $5,319,000, Cast & Baker Corporation bid $4,997,428, The James White Construction Company bid $4,993,876 and Alex E. Paris Contracting Co. Inc. bid $5,397,521.

Many of the city's major sewer projects in recent years have been part of Wheeling's long-term Water Pollution Control Plan, which updates the city's aging system by addressing environmental issues through sewer separations and other improvements.

This sewer line replacement project is not part of that long-term plan, however. This is simply an old sewer line that is coming to the end of its service, according to Herron.

"It is part of our asset management program," he said on Monday. "This is a sanitary sewer — not a combined sanitary and stormwater line — that has been identified to be replaced."

Also on tonight's agenda, more than a dozen ordinances for purchases of chemicals for the city's water and sewer treatment plants are slated for a first reading. These contracts for various chemicals and equipment from different suppliers represent nearly $1.5 million in purchases.

Council will also vote to approve the latest round of resolutions authorizing grants for applicants approved by the Wheeling Economic and Community Development Department for participation in the city's popular Facade Improvement Program.

Other new pieces of legislation slated for a first reading during tonight's council meeting include a $441,500 contract with Saffo Contractors of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, for painting of a pedestrian trail bridge to be charged to the City Service Fee fund. By comparison, Liberty Maintenance Inc. submitted a bid of $830,834 for the work, and Southern Road and Bridge bid $922,000.

A new ordinance set for a first reading will provide money for the annual July 4 fireworks display. The ordinance will authorize Herron to spend $50,000 with the Wheeling Symphony for this season's celebration — with $30,000 coming from the city manager's fund and $20,000 coming from the city's Coal Severance fund.

Final readings and votes on a number of items under unfinished business are also on tap for this evening. Council members are expected to vote on a $115,000 contract with M&G Architects & Engineers of Wheeling for engineering services associated with the demolition of the Center Wheeling Parking Garage. The facility, which has been closed for several months because of structural concerns, is expected to be razed after the new Wheeling Fire Department Headquarters is completed at the end of the year, and the department can relocate from the lower level of the parking garage to its new facility in East Wheeling. American Rescue Plan Act funds are expected to be used for the design work.

Engineering services in the amount of $26,000 with CT Consultants of Mentor, Ohio, are also up for a final vote tonight for improvement projects at the Clator, 36th Street and Elm Terrace playgrounds. Another ordinance up for a second reading and vote tonight will provide $79,000 to Cattrell Companies of Toronto, Ohio for a new 12th Street Archway to be installed near the main entrance to Heritage Port.

Prior to tonight's regular council meeting, members of the Public Works Committee of Council are scheduled to meet at 5 p.m. in council chambers to discuss general capital improvements and receive updates on various storm sewer, sanitary sewer, waterline and wastewater treatment plans.

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