

Jan 13, 2024

10 Items Foreigners Think Every American Has in Their House

As an American citizen, my curiosity brought me into a wonderfully delightful thread of Non-Americans responding to this question" "Non-Americans, what do you think every American person has in their house?" Here are the best responses.

"A garage fridge filled with beer and frozen boxes of food from Costco," writes one commenter. "Been fighting my non-American spouse to get a garage fridge. Or get a nice new fridge and an old one demoted to the garage," a second commenter shares. A third adds, "guilty as charged, and a garage freezer full of food from Costco too."

"I'm convinced almost every American has a mountain of pillows on their bed," one user shares.

"Not a mountain, but perhaps a small hill," an American explained, with another adding: "And our couches, too."

One person thinks laundry driers are an American home staple. "Almost everyone dries their laundry on a wire outside in my country, so the concept of a dryer baffles me. I only see them in American movies and shows. Do the majority of you have it or not?"

"Most of us either have it or have access to one, such as a shared laundry room in an apartment complex," writes one user from Michigan, a state in the U.S. "We also have laundromats. It's a room with a dozen quarters-operated washers and dryers. Almost no one, and no one I know, uses a clothesline to dry clothes."

"I think this is where the size of the U.S. comes in. Some areas would seem uninhabitable without air conditioning. But in some places, you wouldn't need one," an American responded. "Yeah, definitely, but not just AC. Central heating too. So cold air in summer and hot air in winter. Worth it, especially if you have a larger place," another replied.

Raise your hand if you have one of these: a plastic bag holding many other plastic bags. Maybe less ubiquitous now that many states have gotten rid of plastic bags, but there are still many hold-outs. And unused plastic bags.

This is definitely an American thing, though. However, one European admits they stuff reusable bags inside one oversized reusable bags.

One person nominates "That garbage disposal thing I always see in shows and movies."

"Bingo. Watch the Seinfeld episode where Kramer installs one in his shower for an extreme take. S9E9 – "The Apology," a second commenter said.

You know what? It scared and surprised me. America is where you can win a lawsuit after putting an explosive substance in a microwave because the warning letter didn't specifically say not to put explosives in the microwave. Yet somehow, they have put high-velocity sharp blades in their sinks."

A Non-American answered, "A sofa that faces a studio audience." "You've made me realize that the 4th wall is usually where the family's T.V. is, so we're looking through a T.V. portal at them… AND THEY, U.S.?, replied an American."

"What? No. The 4th wall is the 4th wall. When watching a T.V. show, they have three walls of the set, and the 4th wall is the camera/audience," a user responded. "That's why most Americans don't acknowledge the existence of the rest of the world. We're the fourth wall," another American suggested.

"As an American, I was expecting guns, but ranch dressing hurt for some reason," someone commented. Many people discussed the possibility of American food as bland and needing the ranch for flavor.

Canadians weighed in about how they enjoy dipping pizza in ranch. However, one user argued, "The city of Buffalo, New York, disagrees. They only believe in Blue Cheese."

"They take up 1/4 of my fridge. I didn't realize this is weird," an American responded. "So many sauces. An entire refrigerator door with condiments," another replied. Many others said, "It's because we cook different foods from around the world, so we need them all." Another joked, "I hope that doesn't become cultural appropriation. I'd have nothing left to eat."

An American asked, "Do Europeans not like peanut butter? I assume it's sweeter here because I watched a video of Europeans trying P.B. and jelly sandwiches, and none of them liked it."

"It's available but not something everyone would have in their cupboards. I associate a PB&J sarnie (sandwich) as part of U.S. culture and grilled cheese, smashing sandwiches, to be fair. I'm partial to both," a Non-American replied.

Source: Reddit.